After only one night in the hospital, Elijah was discharged. We are so happy to have only spent one night and not needed further interventions. He had his cath yesterday and while the procedure went well, the results are... not good and not bad. They were able to coil some of the collateral arteries in his left lung. They expected to see better blood flow to his upper left lung after they placed the coils and yet there is still compromised flow. They were not able plug all of the collaterals.
The blood flow through his PA looks a little improved and the arch narrowing was not an issue. However, they discovered that he does not have the artery that leads to his left arm. His body has compensated for this by created more collateral arteries to supply blood. This could be an issue as he gets older and may/may not effect growth in that arm. It could cause issues as an adult when using his left arm. His body will be forced to "steal" blood from his brain in order to operate his left arm. This is the first we have heard of any of this and it was a little shocking. We hope to explore ways to address this at his next surgery. On a good note, it seems his his left diaphragm may be re-engaging. His breathing is looking better as well. We have an appointment with his cardiologist tomorrow and we will see what he says.
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