Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Frustration and all that good stuff...

Although Elijah has been out of the hospital for a week now, he is still having bloody stools. So incredibly frustrating. The doctors don't know why he is bleeding but they suspect a protein allergy. If the bleeding continues, they want to change his formula. This creates several problems. He has already tried three of these "special" formulas and he refuses to eat all of them. He is finally, finally eating and gaining weight and we are scared that a switch in formula will cause him to stop eating and therefore not grow. You can only buy this formula through pharmacies (and a few online stores) and only in bulk. However, it will cost us close to $500 a month to feed him for a month. That is insane. Insane. I am trying to get a sample so that we can at least try it before we commit to a large order.

Even though Elijah is still having issues, he has been one happy little guy. He has rolled over and is trying to grab things. He likes to coo and is apparently teething. The drool and slobber just keep coming! He doesn't sleep well. It takes him a long time to go to sleep at night and he wakes up about three times to eat and poop. He also wakes up throughout the night for his pacifier. Dion and I trade nights and it is exhausting. Getting up for work the day after being up all night with Elijah is painful.

My dad and his wife visited for a week (although Monica is still here and we are sooooo grateful!). Although we weren't able to do much, between working and hospital stays, it was still very nice to have them here. Dion and I were able to get away for a bit. We went to Temecula to eat, wine taste :), and sleep. The sleeping was blissful. Noah loved having his grandpa and grandma in the house. It was actually a little sad yesterday when my dad left. Noah roamed the house saying, "I want my grandpa... I want my grandpa." The only thing that provided a distraction was Elijah. I put Elijah in a little entertainment center and Noah deemed it his job to take care of his brother. It was very sweet. Noah kept trying to wipe all of the drool off of Elijah's face and make sure that Elijah was playing with the different toys correctly. It melted my heart. I look forward to the days when the two boys can play together.

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