Elijah had his cardio appointment today. They ran all the usual tests and had an exam. His diaphragm seems to be re-engaging but is still not fully functioning. His heart is functioning better but the cardiologist thinks it's time to put him on Enalapril. This should help improve the function even more. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I, of course, want to give him whatever he needs. However, I hate the idea of yet another medicine. We already give him two meds each and every day and I would rather not add another one. When you research the drug, it is used for heart failure. Ugh. That just sounds so bad. I realize he has probably been in "heart failure" for a while... maybe I have been in denial but I sure do hate seeing those words in writing.
They were happy with his growth. He isn't on the growth chart yet, but he is growing on his curve and slowly catching up. Dr. Sklansky would like to schedule another cath in a few months (after flu season is done) in order to plug the rest of the collateral arteries in his lungs. The blood flow through his PA is better, but still competing with the collateral arteries. The little guy's pulse ox was a bit lower than it had been at the last visit. Although not alarming, it is something that the doctor would like to keep on eye on. We go back in six weeks to do another work up. All in all, it was a positive visit. Elijah seems to be doing well and the cardiologist was pleased.
Noah is doing better. It seems the new antibiotic is working well. Both boys have been sleeping much, much better since we moved them into separate rooms. Before we had kids, I never realized just how vital sleep was to a person. Lack of sleep can affect every aspect of a person's life. I am hoping that with more sleep, Elijah will be able to grow more. Only time will tell!
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