Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Friday, February 24, 2012

36 weeks...

There isn't much new to report. As the doctor on Thursday said, we are just counting down until the induction date. Baby Elijah is continuing to grow and it looks like he weights 5lbs 12 oz which is a good size for his gestational age. I sat down with our nurse and we discussed some of what would happen when he is born. Because he is a single ventrical baby, they will most likely transfer him to CHLA very quickly. I will have to pump and CHLA will store the milk for when he can finally eat.

There are so many unknowns. After he has his surgery, his chest will be left open and he will be intubated.  They can't tell me how long either will continue, it all depends on how he heals and tolerates everything. She said it could take few weeks or it could take a month. During that time he will be sedated and pain free. At least that is comforting. We will meet with the neonatal doctors next week to discuss their plan for him. They will be the team of doctors that will be in the delivery room to take care of Elijah immediately after birth.  We are still waiting for the insurance to grant us the MRI and the final echo. I have no idea why they are stalling. Hopefully it will be approved soon and we can move forward. The more information they have now, the better and quicker they can treat Elijah later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I've been thinking about you and sending you love and prayers to sweet Baby Elijah. The docs are right, every child is different and you just don't know how long anything will take. What I can tell you is that typically at CHLA, the chest is open for 2-3 days (Bodie's surgery was Monday and closure was Thursday, which seemed fairly standard practice - there were a couple of other Monday surgeries that also got closed Thursday along with Bodie). As far as intubation, that can really run the gamut depending on what kind of complications the child has. Most kids I've seen have their Norwoods at CHLA seem to be on the vent 5-7 days or so, but of course some are much longer. Bodie was on the vent for 10 days - he had issues with "twitchy lungs" and his sats kept dropping, so it took them awhile to get him off the vent. Also, a lot of kids have a hard time getting enough fluid off to extubate quickly. So, hope that helps. Please let me know if you have ANY questions.

    Heart Hugs,
