Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The croup and other happenings...

This is just a small update to follow up on the croup. Elijah is doing much, much better. His cough is almost gone and he is returning to his happy little self. If anything positive came out of all of this it would be that during our brief stint at CHLA he was monitored constantly. His pulse ox was in the mid 80's just like it should have been. During his last several cardiologist visits his numbers were in the 70's. This was causing some concern, although they only measured him for a few minutes at a time.

Noah was sick as well and is still coughing, but I have a gut feeling he is a little asthmatic. I'm going to give him a few more days and if it doesn't improve I will take him to the doctor.

Our niece, who has been living with us for the past few months and helping take care of Elijah, moved out last week. I am very excited for her and her future. She has an internship at a hospital to be a surgical tech. She is so very talented and will do so well!  Our house feels oddly quiet now with her gone and I realized that this is our opportunity to figure out who we are as family of four, instead of three. We have yet to do that.  

Once she moved out, I realized that this is the first time in over a year that our little family has lived in our house alone for any significant period of time. We have been incredibly blessed to have such giving family members who love our babies and are willing to sacrifice their time to care for them. These people have been integral to both Elijah’s physical health, as well as my mental health. A parent at work asked me about Elijah today and expressed the frustration I must feel and the "why me" attitude I must experience. I told her that I suppose it was better that I have a child with severe medical needs rather than someone else, not because I am super woman, but because I have the family and the friends and the general support structure to make this work and to make it okay. I will be forevery grateful to everyone who has stood by our side and continues to support us through this journey.

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